Over the years I accumulated an insane amount of crafting supplies. Frankly, it borders on hoarding.
For nearly FIVE years I have been saying, "I need to purge, clear-out, get rid of, sell the millions of items in the Magic Basement."
All that "stuff" was literally weighing me down.
The single step started last night.
Of course I procrastinated a little by writing about it on Facebook (and then responding to comments). It was nice to know others are in the same boat as me.
So now, there are giant piles all over the floor of the basement, and on tables, and on shelves...
I will offer it up for sale on Facebook and via email to local people. I will package most of it up and put it on eBay. Somewhere there is someone who has been patiently waiting for whatever it is I am going to list.
I am keeping a teensy portion of what I have.
It's a relief to have started this.
My Facebook picture of the day is listed HERE. It's how I really feel.
Your turn...