Yesterday, I met with one of my newer groups of friends for our once a month check-in with each other. We are a very diverse group. Different backgrounds, different ages, different stages in our lives, with the shared experience of being women.
By the end of the morning that morphed into the afternoon it was just three of us. Cathy and I are both 52; our other friend is 32. Between the two of us, Cathy and I have a lot of defining experiences in this thing called life. Our young friend has an innate wisdom we marvel at, cherish and respect. During our chat, Cathy said the above quote, "We have a black-belt in life." AMEN, sister!
My mother has often said she has a PhD in life. I totally stole that line from her and made it my own. I use it often. I have a second line now. Feel free to make it yours too. Put the photo on your computer.
(By clicking on the pic, it will show up large. By right clicking it, you will be able to save it. I have been told you may not be able to do so on an iPad.)
You cannot have lived the lives we have led, and trust me, they are interesting, difficult, amusing, painful, great, awful and magnificent all rolled into the people we are, without getting a black-belt. What is so awesome, is that our other friend was able to share her story with us, women who have a collective life experience of more than 100 years of living our own lives. She wanted to be able to tell her story to women she knows she can trust and more importantly, women who won't pass judgement. I know I felt honored she opened up to us.
And so, I ask you, as you start your week and head into the day, give a bit of thanks to the universe for hooking you up with the people in your life who matter. The people who helped shape you into who you are. The people who helped you achieve your black-belt.
If you are so inclined, drop them a line - send them an email or a text or make a phone call - let them know they helped you navigate the waters of your life. Maybe you'll laugh. Maybe you'll cry. Maybe you'll tell them you love them. THEN it will be a perfect day!
Bette won because, really, this song is just that terrific.
Like my friends.
"I'll Be There For You" - The Rembrandts
"You've Got a Friend" - James Taylor & Carole King
Which then led me to listen to about 20 JT songs, and then Carly Simon, and then bounce to websites and check out all kinds of stuff I really didn't need to know about. Do you know the book, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" by Laura Numeroff? That's EXACTLY what happens to me when I get onto YouTube. It's the black hole of music.