I know, it's Friday. But first, let's take a moment to go over Thursday night.
I live in a house with a teen boy who has loved baseball from the nanosecond he discovered it, probably by three years old. He is a life-long Yankee fan. He is planning on playing baseball in college. So, naturally the game was on when I got home last night. I have been watching the "42" send off videos and crying through them all - if you know me, you know that going to baseball games can be painful for me, so this is comical to my darling son.
I was getting something in the kitchen when Peter yelled, "Mom! You have to see this, I know you'll cry!" And cry I did. I have heard nor read one derogatory word about Mariano. At all. To witness a man leave at the top of his game, beloved by so many, is a thing of beauty in 2013. If you didn't see this, it is worth the watch.
Bella knows I am always looking for Friday dance songs. She had me listen to this a few times and then specifically had me watch the video. THIS song made it to Ellen this week and her take on it is priceless.