We ARE all connected. Even the people who snap. At some point, they were their mother's babies. I don't personally know one mother who didn't do anything except love those creatures who they birthed; via their body or their hearts.
I wonder where the hate is taught. I wonder where it's learned. It may very well be in the home, but some of it may be societal. Some of it may be a bad synapse. All I know is that Friday morning, when those two brothers were killed and shot, for one second, I had a fleeting thought of them as innocent babies and I all could do was cry for innocence lost. That was during shavasana in yoga; AKA the death pose.
There will always be people I don't like. There are people who don't like me. I won't share a meal with them. But, that doesn't mean I won't send them light, love and blessings when they need it.
If we could all collectively send the people who aren't our besties some love today, everyone may seem a lot more pleasant. By sending love we get it back. That's my plan at least.
there is wonder &
there is bravery
& there is hope.

From last nights FB status
Look (!) She's up and walking! THREE times yesterday.
Amy's ORIGINAL release date from the hospital was three to five weeks. NOW, it could be as early as next weekend! She is a WALKING miracle.
I spoke to her yesterday for more than 30 seconds and it was all good.
PLEASE continue to keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers and healing vibes. It's still a long road road that we will help make less bumpy. xo ♥