My oldest friends I met in elementary school. I don't have coffee with them, but I know they're out there (thank you Facebook). I also know I could pick up the phone and I could easily chat with these old friends without a hiccup.
I have new friends due to yoga, retreats and the jobs I have worked.
I have the 3:00 AM people; the sure and swift few I can call in case of an emergency and they're wherever I need them to be as fast as they can be.
I have friends who have come and gone yet who I think of with deep fondness.
I have the members of my family who are my friends.
Life gives me a chance to weave people, foods, smells, perfumes, music and experiences into a gorgeous hue of who I am. All of these memories create a unique ME. As a result, all of these memories allow me to gather strength when I need it.
EVERYONE has crap in their lives. Every single one of us. If one of the threads from my weaving can give me a little boost now and then, how unbelievably fortunate am I?
I wish you a day of great weaving. You're worth it! xo
Weave your life into a rich tapestry pf color and form. Weave a golden cloth and hang it on your front door. Weave a fine tale to share when the moon is full. With the steady, back-and-forth rhythm of the loom to guide you, weave your dreams into reality. Over, under, over, under. Pull together this loose end and that loose end. Tuck in the end that's threatening to fray. Weave your home life, into your work life into your inner life, blending them into a strong and lovely whole. Vary the strands. Weave together all that is strong and coarse, tender and delicate, straight and crinkled. Weave the expected and unexpected, the perfect and the imperfect, into a while cloth that is yours alone.
Weave me the hope of a new tomorrow and fill my cup again