Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
~ Rumi
This whole "trusting the universe" has been around as long as there has been faith. None of it is new.
And yet, for me, much of it is new. I am a quintessential Type A personality who has calmed down considerably as I have gotten older. It started in my 40's - when I realized I allowed a lot of drama into my life and it had to stop. By the time I hit 50, I had REALLY cut down on things that I allowed myself to get crazy about. I can say with 100% truthfulness, at 52, I have very little drama.
That is not to say I don't lose my mind once in a while. That is not to say I don't wish for things to just magically happen. That is not to say I don't stray back into the behavior of yore. I am human and so, of course I do. However, NOW I can recognize when I am about to lose my one mind. I can tell when I want something to happen yesterday, or I am fretting about something that I have zero control over.
And when I realize that, I do the following to myself:
Freaking out isn't necessary. Whatever it is, is whatever it is.
By now you have figured out how the juke box in my head works...go with it and sing along.