There is a certain exhaustion, combined with exhilaration, that comes with this kind of work. Just when you think there can't possibly be another layer to peel back one more layer of yourself reveals itself.
I was never one to remember my dreams, and truly, I still don't remember too many of them, but the voices that are coming to me in my dreams are clear as day. I know who they are. I don't always know why they're talking to me, but it's always reassuring to hear someone I love chatting it up with me in my dreams. Sometimes they just say my name. Other times there are sentences. I like to think this IS part of my work - the inner voice telling me everything is going to work out fine and be A-OK. The voice telling me I am on the right path. The voice of who I really am.
How about you? Do you hear your inner voice?
Music today is the total opposite of listening to your inner voice.